Thursday, May 28, 2020

Dispensationalism in a Nutshell

I bring to you our beliefs and why we believe them. I urge you follow Acts 17:11 and  search the scriptures to see if what we say is true.


Many people are understandably confused by the term dispensationalism. I’ve met seminary graduates and many in Christian leadership who haven’t the slightest idea how to define dispensationalism. How does it differ from covenant theology? What does it have to do with lordship salvation? Perhaps we can answer those questions simply and without a lot of theological jargon.

Dispensationalism is a system of biblical interpretation that sees a distinction between God’s program for Israel and His dealings with the church. It’s really as simple as that. A dispensation is the plan of God by which He administers His rule within a given era in His eternal program. Dispensations are not periods of time, but different administrations in the eternal outworking of God’s purpose. It is especially crucial to note that the way of salvation—by grace through faith—is the same in every dispensation. God’s redemptive plan remains unchanged, but the way He administers it will vary from one dispensation to another.
Dispensationalists note that Israel was the focus of God’s redemptive plan in one dispensation. The church, consisting of redeemed people including Jews and Gentiles, is the focus in another.

All dispensationalists believe at least one dispensation is still future—during the thousand-year reign of Christ on earth, known as the millennium, in which Israel will once again play a pivotal role. Dispensationalism teaches that all God’s remaining covenant promises to Israel will be literally fulfilled—including the promises of earthly blessings and an earthly messianic kingdom. God promised Israel, for example, that they would possess the promised land forever ( Gen. 13:14–17 ; Exod. 32:13 ). Scripture declares that Messiah will rule over the kingdoms of the earth from Jerusalem ( Zech. 14:9–11 ). Old Testament prophecy says that all Israel will one day be restored to the promised land ( Amos 9:14–15); the temple will be rebuilt ( Ezek. 37:26–28 ); and the people of Israel will be redeemed ( Jer. 23:6 ; Rom. 11:26–27). Dispensationalists believe all those promised blessings will come to pass as literally as did the promised curses.

Covenant theology, on the other hand, usually views such prophecies as already fulfilled allegorically or symbolically. Covenant theologians believe that the church, not literal Israel, is the recipient of the covenant promises. They believe the church has superseded Israel in God’s eternal program. God’s promises to Israel are therefore fulfilled in spiritual blessings realized by Christians. Since their system does not allow for literal fulfillment of promised blessings to the Jewish nation, covenant theologians allegorize or spiritualize those prophetic passages of God’s Word.

I am a dispensationalist because dispensationalism generally understands and applies Scripture—particularly prophetic Scripture—in a way that is more consistent with the normal, literal approach I believe is God’s design for interpreting Scripture. For example, dispensationalists can take at face value Zechariah 12–14 , Romans 11:25–29 , and Revelation 20:1–6. The covenant theologian, on the other hand, cannot.

*The Authorized King James Edition (1611, 1769) was used exclusively as other versions are somewhat different depending upon the year of their printing.

*All verses in the Bible are: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:”  (Note: we have placed all scripture in RED for your convenience) 

*Thus God is considered the author of all 66 books through 40 writers including those of Psalm 2.

 **We welcome your comments and questions..Please keep them precise and clean.

 1 Cor 15:3-4.."For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:"



Excerpt from: The Gospel According to the Apostles: The Roll of Works in a Life of Faith,
 John MacArthur, Appendix II


                           This article was originally published in the
        2/28/2020, 'Sharing God's Word' @

Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Did Jesus Die on Friday?

I bring to you our beliefs and why we believe them. I urge you follow Acts 17:11 and  search the scriptures to see if what we say is true.


I recently had a conversation with another who had concerns over what day the Crucifixion of Jesus Christ happened. Was it on Friday or was it a Thursday Crucifixion. With the days of Friday, Saturday and Sunday being the main focal point and the thought that any part of these days would suffice as a full day, either a Friday or Thursday Crucifixion could be true.

Any time one is questioning the WORDs of GOD, one has to ask another question: Is it an attempt by Satan to spread doubt throughout the earth that the WORDs of GOD cannot be trusted? Therefore, I will through scriptures and other reputable sources 'weed out' the mistakes of a Friday or Thursday Crucifixion in favor of the truth. 

Most of the Christian world agree that the Crucifixion occurred on Friday (Good Friday). Since Jesus was crucified around 3 PM. and was buried the same day, with Saturday being the second day and Sunday being the third day, the "will arise on the third day" prophecies in Matthew, Mark, Luke and Acts (1) have also been fulfilled IF 'any part of a day is used as a whole day"

Yet, a single prophecy found in Mat 12:40.."..For as Jonas was three days and three nights in the whale's belly; so shall the Son of man be three days and three nights in the heart of the earth."  contradicts both the Friday, Thursday Crucifixions and presents a question to all. How can three full days and nights in the grave happen if the Crucifixion happened on Friday or Thursday with the Resurrection on the following Sunday.    IT CAN NOT!

The following are a few of the scriptures found in the Bible that specify Jesus would arise 'at the third day' similar to what 1 Cor 15:4 states: "........And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:" (2)

GOOD NEWS: There is evidence that "three full days and nights (Mat 12:40)" and all those scriptures that state:"He (Jesus) will arise on the third day" are BOTH RIGHT!

Here are a few definitions needed to understand how this can happen. We will then take you from the sixth day before Passover through the Resurrection Sunday. I apologize for its length but this subject demands all short cuts be removed. 

*Hebrew Days were based on God's calendar of  a 360 day year.   Their days beginning in the evening at 6 PM and ending four and twenty hours later at 6 PM...the next day by our calendar.

*Our days in both the Georgian and Julian calendars begin with Sunday being the first day of the week and Saturday the end of the week. Keep in mind that the Hebrews/Jews also had a civil calendar that views the days of the week as we do now.  This particular year 32 AD(3), 14th Nisan was on Wednesday with the 15th Nisan, an extra Sabbath being on Thursday.,

*Passover is always on 14th of Nisan, the first month of Israel's religious calendar.(4).."In the fourteenth day of the first month at even (evening)  is the LORD'S passover."  (Lev 23:5)   (emphasis added)

*The Feast of Unleavened Bread (a seven day period) that always begins on 15th of Nisan. The first day of this feast is considered a Sabbath.   ."And on the fifteenth day of the same month is the feast of unleavened bread unto the LORD: seven days ye must eat unleavened bread.,In the first day ye shall have an holy convocation: ye shall do no servile work therein."
(Lev 23:6-7)

*The Feast of First Fruits (Resurrection Sunday) - 18th of Nisan....."Speak unto the children of Israel, and say unto them, When ye be come into the land which I give unto you, and shall reap the harvest thereof, then ye shall bring a sheaf of the firstfruits of your harvest unto the priest:..And he shall wave the sheaf before the LORD, to be accepted for you: on the morrow after the Sabbath  (Sunday)  the priest shall wave it." (Lev 23:10-11)  
  (emphasis added)

*There are  erroneous assumptions made by many Churches and Scholars alike. The most notable is the Friday Crucifixion (Good Friday). While it is a Christian holiday commemorating Jesus' Crucifixion, it was based on : ..."And now when the even was come, because it was the preparation, that is, the day before the sabbath," (Mark 15:42)

*The Hebrew Sabbaths were on the 7th day of the week.  Saturday began Friday evening at 6 PM and ended Saturday evening at 6 PM.  There were other sabbaths in the year that would make two in one week. The Feast of Unleavened Bread is one of those....

*NOTE: : "In the end of the sabbath (error) as it began to dawn toward the first day of the week, came Mary Magdalene and the other Mary to see the sepulchre." (Mat 28:1)

 ( Emphasis Added), The error is that the KJV translators did not pick up the fact that there were two Sabbaths that week. The correct Sabbath should have been plural instead of singular.

We find through scripture Jesus spent the Sabbath (Saturday) in Bethany at the home of Simon the leper (Mar 14:3) (5).  Bethany being 1.8 miles from Jerusalem, Jesus could not have traveled on Friday evening or Saturday as the Sabbath was upon them at 6 PM and Hebrew law prevented any travel/work on a Sabbath.

In John 12:1, we are told: "Then Jesus six days before the passover came to Bethany,......." This sets up the date of when He actually died.

Six days before Passover, Wednesday -14th Nisan - April 9, 32 AD was:

Friday, 9th Nisan (-Sixth day), began Thursday evening 6 PM and would end Friday at 6 PM

Saturday, The weekly Sabbath, 10th Nisan, (- Fifth day),  began Friday evening 6 PM and would end Saturday at 6 PM

Sunday - 11th Nisan- Palm Sunday (-Fourth day) began Saturday Evening 6 PM and would end Sunday at 6 PM. 
Jesus rode into Jerusalem this day, April 6, 32 AD. (3)

Monday- 12th Nisan (-Third Day) began Sunday evening at 6 PM ending Monday at 6PM

Tuesday - 13th Nisan (-Second day) began Monday evening at 6 PM and ended Tuesday evening at 6 PM

Wednesday -14th Nisan, Passover (Day ONE), began Tuesday evening at 6 PM and ended Wednesday at 6 PM.

*Here Jesus was crucified at around 3 pm, was removed then prepared and placed in the burial chamber shortly before the next day began at 6 PM. Thursday, the 15th of Nisan was considered a Sabbath enforcing the law that  Jesus (or any other person crucified) could not remain on the cross during this day. 

And now when the even (evening)  was come, because it was the preparation, that is, the day before the sabbath," (Mat 15:42).  (emphasis added)

Thus, Jesus began His three days and three nights in the grave on Thursday, 15th of Nisan 

Thursday - Day one of the Feast of Unleavened Bread,  a Sabbath, 15th Nisan began Wednesday evening at 6 PM and ended Thursday evening at 6 PM. 
(Day 1 to Resurrection Day)  

Friday - 16th Nisan began Thursday evening at 6 PM  and ended Friday evening at 6 PM. (Day 2 to Resurrection Day)

Saturday - 17th Nisan - Weekly Sabbath- began Friday evening at 6pm and ended Saturday evening at 6 PM. (Day 3 to Resurrection Day)

*Thus, we have three full days and three full nights at 6 PM. on Saturday evening fulfilling Mat 12:40.

Also according to the civil calendar, He did indeed stay in the grave for three days fulfilling numerous prophecies.

NOTE: Jesus is also telling us that He was arisen some time between Saturday 6 PM. start of a new religious day and 12 midnight, the end of the civil day, Saturday.

Here is where both of these prophecies are right.

Of course Sunday- 18th Nisan, Feast of First Fruits (Resurrection day) began  on Saturday evening at 6 PM. and ended on Sunday evening at 6 PM according to the religious customs of the Hebrew in 32 AD. 


Jesus uses many different ways to prove to us that it is HE who is the author of the Holy Bible as He states so elegantly in : Prob 25:2.."It is the glory of God to conceal a thing: but the honour of kings is to search out a matter." Obviously this is referring to Rev 5:9-10..


*The Authorized King James Edition (1611, 1769) was used exclusively as other versions are somewhat different depending upon the year of their printing.

*All verses in the Bible are: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:”  (Note: we have placed all scripture in RED for your convenience) 

*Thus God is considered the author of all 66 books through 40 writers including those of Psalm 2.

 **We welcome your comments and questions..Please keep them precise and clean.

 1 Cor 15:3-4.."For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:"


1.  All Scriptures in above article, King James Edition
2. (Mat_16:21, Mat_17:23, Mat_20:19, Mat_27:64, Mar_9:31, Mar_10:34, Luk_9:22, Luk_18:33, Luk_24:7, Luk_24:21, Luk_24:46, Act_10:40 )

3. The Coming Prince, Sir Robert Andersen
4. The Feasts of Israel - Koinonia House
5.  Luke 19:1, Mar 10:46


                           This article was originally published in the
        5/20/2020, 'Sharing God's Word' @

Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Two Plans: One Jewish - One Gentile

I bring to you our beliefs and why we believe them. I urge you follow Acts 17:11 and  search the scriptures to see if what we say is true.


"Return, O backsliding children," says the Lord; "for I am married to you".( Jeremiah 3:14-15)

The Holy Bible is the story of two weddings;  where God (the Father) has chosen a nation, a people (Israel) not because they were stronger or prettier or better that everyone else but because it was in His power to do so.  He becomes a husband to her (Jer 3:14-15), then divorces ( Jer 3:8) her because of her idolatry, fornication, adultery and wickedness but not before they have a SON.

This Son (Jesus Christ) through his sacrifice at the Cross, Burial and Resurrection from the grave will forgive the sins of believers and give them eternal justification and glorification. He will build His Church as He had once told Peter (Mat 16:18) where He will be the Head and the Body will be the members (believers) of His Church. They, the members will also become His bride elect and prior to His 2nd Advent, His bride (Rev 19:7).

During Daniel's 70th Week (1), Jacob's Trouble (Jer 30:7), the Great Tribulation (Mat 24:21) and the Millennium to come, Jesus will mediate between his Father and his wife (All of Israel/Remnant of Israel), bringing them back together eternally.            

                                                 Jacob's Israel

From those first words God spoke to Abram (Gen 12),  a nation is born. At a later date, the Lord made a covenant with Abram for a piece of land that lay between two rivers. "In the same day the LORD made a covenant with Abram, saying, Unto thy seed have I given this land, from the river of Egypt unto the great river, the river Euphrates:"  (Gen 15;18)

Jacob was born into controversy (Gen 25,24-26) yet wrestled with GOD (32:24-30) and became Israel. )(Gen 32:28). Through Jacob, the Tribes of Israel were born through the names of his children and are until this day and beyond. (Rev 7:4-8)

The Laws of Moses (including the Ten Commandments), written by the finger of GOD happened around 1550 BC. at Mt Sinai. Theses Laws were for the Israel people to follow in both Religious ceremonies and to be used for Civil laws and regulations. From this time forward, Israel falters many times and God saves, protects and punishes them over the next 1500 years. Around 4 BC,  a child is born of the Spirit of GOD and a virgin mother. He will grow up largely unknown except in prophecies that speak of him as Emanuel. 

 In the beginning of Jesus' ministry, the Laws of Moses were discontinued (Mat 11:13) and the Kingdom of GOD (Gospel of Jesus Christ) (Luke 16,16) was preached to all until Daniel's 70th week begins. After four years of ministry, Jesus Christ will ride into Jerusalem on April 6, 32 AD (2) on a colt of a female donkey.  During the next 7 days, He would be Crucified, Buried and Resurrected according to scriptures that were the WORD of GOD. (1 Cor 15:1-4).

In the year of 135 AD, God divorces His Wife and sends her into diaspora. The Roman Emperor Hadrian puts down the Bar Kokhba revolt (3) and forces all Jews to flea to the other nations on earth fulfilling a prophecy, Jesus authored in Matthew  24:9-10.   One year later, the city of Jerusalem was effectively plowed under and the Roman city of Aelia Capitolina was built on top of Jerusalem.

Since those early years, the Jews have been despised, hated, murdered and killed. In addition, they have been partially blinded(4) until the Gentiles is fulfilled.  Even today, most of the Jewish nation of Israel have rejected Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior and are still Hated by a majority of the population of the earth.  From prophecy of Daniel(5) this will continue and get worse until the 2nd coming of Jesus Christ.

                     The 'Church' (body / bride elect) of Jesus Christ

From the beginning of the Period Of Grace (32  AD), anyone who believes in the Gospel of Jesus Christ according to scripture will receive Salvation and the indwelling Holy Spirit to guide, teach and protect them from the daily horrors of sin.

1 Cor 15:1-4..KJV.."Moreover, brethren, I declare unto you the gospel which I preached unto you, which also ye have received, and wherein ye stand; v2..By which also ye are saved, if ye keep in memory what I preached unto you, unless ye have believed in vain. v3..For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; v4..And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:"

At forty days after His resurrection, Jesus was ascended to heaven to sit on the hand of GOD.....Before He left this earth, He told His apostles and Disciples not to leave Jerusalem for; "John Baptized with water, but in a few days you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit"(6)

At fifty days after His resurrection, His prophecy of His Church(7) was fulfilled with His Apostles and 3,000 Jewish disciples received Justification(Salvation) and the Holy Spirit. ..Then they that gladly received his word were baptized:(in the name of Jesus Christ) and the same day there were added unto them about three thousand souls." (Acts 2:41)  (emphasis added)

A little later another 5,000 Jews were subsequently saved and received the Holy Spirit  "Howbeit many of them which heard the word believed; and the number of the men was about five thousand." (Acts 4:4) To roundout His Church, Cornelius, a gentile receives salvation and the indwelling Holy Spirit.(8) His  'Church' has been growing throughout the years with people from all nations of the earth.

                                 Conclusion:Why does all this matter? 

Mark tells us in Acts 10:28.."And he said unto them, Ye know how that it is an unlawful thing for a man that is a Jew to keep company, or come unto one of another nation; but God hath shewed me that I should not call any man common or unclean."  

Jesus' 'Church' (His body/bride elect) is for everyone, Gentile and Jew alike.
John 3:16  "For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life."

  The 'Church' is spoken 74 times in the King James Edition from Acts 2 to Rev 3:14.  Yet, from Rev 3:15 forward to the end of the book of Revelation the Church is only spoken of once more by way of the 'Marriage Supper of the Lamb'.(9)

Jesus spoke of 'Kingdom of Heaven' in the early days of his ministry. The Gospel was rejected by the Jewish people and shortly thereafter, the    'Kingdom of GOD' was preached through the land.

The 'Kingdom of Heaven' known as the Millennium will be the future 1,000 years of peace over all the earth with Jesus Christ ruling all nations with an iron fist.(10). 

While His 'Church' has been spared from going through Daniel's 70th week, the rest of humanity including Israel will have to go through these last days. During these dark days, over one half of the earth's population will have died prior to the second half of Daniel's 70th week. There are no numbers of deaths announced during 'the Great Tribulation" but according to Jesus the events of this time period will be terrible."For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be." (Mat 24:21)

During Daniel's 70th week,  the Gentiles of the earth will be punished for their inequities. Also during this time a great evangelical restoration will happen and many will finally turn to Jesus as their savior. They will be known as the Tribulation Saints(11)

 Israel will be purified by fire of Daniel's 70th week and only one third of them will live to become the Remnant (All of Israel))  in the Millennium to come. (12,13)


*The Authorized King James Edition (1611, 1769) was used exclusively as other versions are somewhat different depending upon the year of their printing.

*All verses in the Bible are: “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness:”  (Note: we have placed all scripture in RED for your convenience) 

*Thus God is considered the author of all 66 books through 40 writers including those of Psalm 2.

 **We welcome your comments and questions..Please keep them precise and clean.

 1 Cor 15:3-4.."For I delivered unto you first of all that which I also received, how that Christ died for our sins according to the scriptures; And that he was buried, and that he rose again the third day according to the scriptures:"


1.  Anderson, Robert, The Coming Prince, Hodder & Stoughton, London, 1894
       chap. 10

2.  Ibid., chapter 12
3.  Encyclopedia Judaica, vol. 3, p.936. 
4.  Romans 11:25
5.  Daniel 9:24-27
6. Acts 1:5 
7. Matthew 16:18
8. Acts 10
9.  Revelation 19:7-9
10.  Ezekiel 20:23
11. Revelation 7:9,14
12. Koinona House,The ten Lost Tribes, Chuck Missler
13. Zachariah 13:8-9


                              Up-Coming articles of Interest

                                      The Book of Revelation

                                    Rightly Dividing the Bible

                                      The Harpazo (Rapture)

                                        The Jewish Wedding                      

                                         Not a Day to Spare


                           This article was originally published in the
       5/12/2020, 'Sharing God's Word' @